Friday, October 8, 2010

MTV's The (RW/RR) Challenge: Cutthroat

Time for another installment in this series. I've been thinking I'm about done with it for the last couple of seasons, but then I hear of a favorite or someone interesting from the past coming back, and it draws me back in. This time it was Abram and Derrick. Initially I had not heard they were a part of the cast, and I was scrapping to round up the people I really liked on the challenge (Katie and Brad). So, as an old school fan specifically, I was super excited when the other two were added. Abram is very well suited for these challenges, with a mostly fearless and willing to do anything attitude. He's also one of the more interesting cast members to me because he has different sides to him, and you never know what side is going to come out. He's intense with a bit of temper, but also peaceful at times. Kind of stir-crazy, but intelligent, philosophical, and talented (published a book for children, built a house, art).

So, the first episode was Wednesday, October 6 at 10 PM. Very excited about this season being in Europe (Prague, Czech Republic). I love that there are three teams and that the teams were done by the old schoolyard method of picking (each team had an appointed captain, and each captain took turns selecting cast members). I also love the secret voting. If you remember The Gauntlet (the original) challenge, the Road Rules team employed a secret ballot system which caused a bit of drama. I think it will provide drama for this season as well, so can't wait to see how that plays out. The mission was interesting. Tear gas and codes and puzzles? I wonder if Shauvon was less affected by the tear gas because she was wearing glasses? I don't think anyone else wore glasses. Glad the gray team won. Not sure if I will continue to keep rooting for the gray team, though, because my favorites (Brad, Katie, Derrick, and Abram) are spread out among the teams. The other people I kind of care for are as well, so it's kind of hard to pick. I probably should go for the red team more because Brad has yet to win a challenge.

On to the action. I don't blame Shauvon for not wanting to wrestle Laurel. Plenty of girls aren't into play wrestling like boys are. Laurel once again seems to lack the social grace and awareness to know when to start, how to start, and when to stop with people (not just the wrestling thing, but some of her past comments). She realizes the girls didn't like her last season and has seemed to take an “I don't care” approach to it all. Shauvon was obviously sloppy drunk and probably did overreact to it a bit, but I see her side. I think I kind of feel sorry for her on these shows because she is totally seen as a joke. She does not help that perception of her go anywhere, but she seems like she could be nice enough, and I don't think she deserves as much flak as she gets.

Poor Camila. OK, so I was thinking there was no need to add a person from Spring Break Challenge into the mix. It's already an issue that they put people on the show who have never been on The Real World or Road Rules (the Fresh Meat people). But I think a lot of fans were under the impression that it was just a fun activity for some of MTV's spring break participants to do. But surprise, she is added to the challenge. Now after watching the first episode of Cutthroat, I think they did her a disservice by making her the only one cast from SBC. I could not believe how some of the other girls behaved towards her – girls who just came off of a challenge as Fresh Meaters themselves (Theresa). It's one thing if they decided to vote for her or weren't interested in hanging with her, but they drunkenly accused her of stealing other cast members' belongings just because they saw them under her bed. That Theresa made herself look like a total fool last challenge, and once again she's doing the same. Only this time, she's a lot ruder. And it's not an entertaining rudeness mixed – something that makes us laugh or rudeness that seems warranted on some level. It's just ridiculous drama and she does not come across as charming or clever or entertaining by it whatsoever. She just comes across as really sad every time she is featured. I just don't understand how she is still that unaware of herself after last season, in which she played herself IMO. I think I'll stop paying attention to her – hopefully she stays out of the major drama and storylines this season (or gets eliminated soon). But she made Camila sympathetic, and I think a lot of viewers didn't even know who she was or didn't even want her there.

So I'm glad Camila won the elimination over Cancun Emilee (we really need some diversity in names, BMP). Brandon was also one of the FM people from last season that I sort of ended up finding interesting or likeable, so I was glad for his win as well over Cancun Derek (who may have been the most tolerable person of that season). The previews for the season have made me quite excited and interested - CT and Tina back?!! Some people are saying that Tina is not menacing or tough, so they should have brought someone else back, but I'm glad it's her. She not a favorite of mine, but I feel she has been on some of the best challenges, she is a pretty good competitor, she's an old school vet, and she has a loud (though often obnoxious) personality. She's made me laugh a couple of times as well (remember her silly fight with Tonya on Battle of the Sexes II?). Let's see how long this season is entertaining for me.